Zero to One: Spectroscope for the World of Business

In the last few days, I read the book Zero to One, which has been hot esp. in IT field since late 2014. The insightful ideas make it a spectroscope for the world of business, you can have a better vision of a company’s future with analytic patterns used by the author – Peter Thiel, at least on the very superficial level.

I regret to have read this book so late, if you are an IT practitioner, Z2O is strongly recommended.

Below are some of the digests I made, in the very beginning part nothing’s highlighted due to the unfamiliarity to my newly obtained Kindle PW3 🙂
Continue reading “Zero to One: Spectroscope for the World of Business”

Jazz Trio Beside the Forbidden City


今晚现场聆听,深受感染,演奏的时候阿布低头沉浸在乐曲中,偶尔抬头与搭档眼神沟通,Bass手中村健吾(Kengo Nakamura)在中间,十分投入,会随着节奏左摇右晃,与左侧的阿布、右侧的Ryan遥相呼应,有时候看他们眉来眼去觉得很有意思,鼓手Ryan J. Lee时不时还会活跃现场气氛,调动观众参与。
